Sunday, April 24, 2016

Relationships, beauty, and creativity

                When you are picking flowers which do you choose first? Your eye is naturally drawn to the vibrant flowers that seem to be perfect in their own way. But, why is this? Why is the human eye drawn to beauty? This is a question that doesn’t seem to make sense to me, because what is beauty? What one person finds beautiful the next might find appalling.
                Humans are an interesting specimen; we are so far advanced yet so far from being understandable. We seek companionship basically our whole lives. Our family, friends, significant others; there is always someone else that we want to spend our time with. Especially when were older, and look for that “special one”, most of the time we feel as if, they don’t exist. Or that they are a million miles away and no way to get to them. Ask yourself this, though, where are you looking? Are you really opening your eyes to all your options?
Image result for relationship, beauty, creativity                Us humans are naturally attracted to the beauty in the world. Our eye is drawn to the brightest, most colorful, most creative objects. So, naturally, when looking for that significant other, we tend to be drawn to the more attractive individuals. Why? Because humans are drawn to what is most appealing to look at, this is completely understandable. But why ignore the ones that are beautiful on the inside? Why shun them away because they don’t match your preference physically. We strive for companionship but push that special one away because we want to please our eyes.
                This is where creativity comes into play. We need to start closing our eyes, and looking with our hearts. We need to become blind to the worlds visible beauty and open our minds to world mental and emotional beauties. Think with our hearts, and let them take us where we are supposed to be. Meet who we are supposed to meet, and love who we are supposed to love. We are so attracted to beauty, why not learn to be attracted to ones beautiful mind and soul, instead of their physical attributes.
                We need to learn to look with our hearts, let our mind wander into someone else’s. Talk to that one person with the same music preference as you and learn to look past what someone looks like. Your soul mate could be two feet away from you in the library, and you’ll never know. Talk to people, but listen to them, because who you are looking for may be hidden behind what you weren’t looking for.
               I know what you're thinking, this has nothing to do with the American Dream, well it does. America was the beautiful flower everyone wanted. It was the beautiful land of the free that everyone strived to live in because they wanted to be successful. Many people, like immigrants, didn't have anything handed to them, they had to use their minds and make a way once they got here. The American Dream is creative because people have to use their imaginations to get what they want in love. wether it is love, wealth, or success. 
                              -Posted by Samantha Kuntz

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