Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Personality Assesment

     Through taking a Myers & Briggs test also known as a personality test. Through this I found what I already knew to be true I am a logical person. That specific personality only makes up 3% of the population that take these tests. I also took a career test that determined me to follow the engineering path, and that is a goal I had already set for myself. These tests are great to take if you want to find yourself, and the personality one is linked below.

By William Goodman


  1. I took it as well and found that i am a mediator which is 4% of the population. Actually I found out that i am different then what it say i am. My personality type is different then what i got. Either way this type of assessment can help guide you in the right directions. Only by learning and try to understand the world can you fully understand yourself.

  2. I was labeled a "logician". I agree and disagree with this. Although, I do tend to think of the most logical explanation towards things, I still have the times where I am staring off into space wishing something else would be the conclusion. It also says that I am an introvert, which I couldn't agree with more.
    By:Samantha Kuntz

  3. Very true with being labeled "logician" you can use logic to explain things, but still go to a point where you stare off into space and be thinking of illogical ideological ideas.

    By Eric Loucks

  4. I took it as well and found that I am also a Mediator. Upon consideration, this analysis is quite accurate. If arguments break out around me, I try to either stay out of it or break it up, without picking a side. My quiet, lackadaisical and laissez faire manner of doing things, though has often gotten me in trouble when placed in leadership positions, has seemed to help me stay on the good side of most people.
    ---C. Roxanne Maxwell
