Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hello, My name is Eric Loucks. I am the fourth member of the New American Dreamer blog group.
I am interested in the medical field and i am planning on being a Nurse Anesthetist. I enjoy helping other and trying to make them feel better. I enjoy play sports and video games, along with helping refereeing soccer.  I hope that everyone that is reading through this blog is getting a understanding of what we young adults believe the american dream is.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The American dream is a question everyone should ask themselves and how it relates to them. The Dream and mention through out this blog is about this dream and different things regarding it. I found this video on YouTube and found that it very much relates to what we are talking about on this blog

Posted By Eric Loucks
The Man on the street

Man on the street Interview.

The question to the different high school students was, do you think the american dream is still alive.

Another question with that is what is your american dream.
These two videos give a glimpse into the though process for the next generation of adults and future workers and other great things and how they view things.

By All of the American dreamers

Posted by Eric Loucks

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Introducing Samantha Kuntz

     Hello! My name is Samantha Kuntz and I am a
18 year old senior at Berrien Springs High School. I am a proud mother to a little boy. I am passionate about anything cosmetology: hair, make up, nails, etc...
     Throughout the next few weeks my peers and I will be posting about the very infamous "American Dream". You are going to be reading about our different views on if it is dead or alive. Please feel free to leave us a comment on your opinion on any one of our posts.
     Thank you! Happy reading!

The american dream of an immigrant, the interview

    I interviewed my Grandmother on her point of view on the American Dream. I asked for her definition of it, what hers was, and if she achieved her American Dream. She was born in Germany, migrated to Casablanca, Africa, and then moved to the states when she was seven years old. I thought that she would be the perfect person to ask this question since she was an immigrant.
    Her perception of the American Dream, was to come to a free country and live the way that makes you happy. I then asked her what her dream was. She wanted to live on a big farm, she wanted to live on free land, with all the beautiful flowers she can dream of. She had such a genuine smile of her face, I asked her if she achieved that dream. She said she did. She didn’t think it was possible, coming from such a poor family and also marrying into one that she never thought she could have such a beautiful dream.
Looking around she said, but I have my dream. I live on all this beautiful farm land with all the trees I could ask for. I have beautiful flowers, a beautiful garden, and a beautiful family to look at everyday. She has achieved her American Dream.
Looking at my grandmother's story, through immigration and hardships. The American Dream is possible through anyone that tries. Anyone can achieve greatness, you just have to want it.

                               (Posted by: Samantha Kuntz)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Meet William Goodman

Meet William Goodman

                I am William Goodman. I have been one of the people posting and working on this blog over the past so many weeks. I mostly enjoy table top games and video games, but I also enjoy being able to post my thoughts about a controversial topic in America. I have learned about different views of the America dream through my life, and with that have decided my own path toward my American Dream and I work toward it every day. Now as for all those people boarding my generation the Millennials that continue to say “The American Dream is dead”, and continue to alter are country in ways that seem to threaten any view or concept of the American dream. Well I look to an America that can work without that generation to restore the goal of the American Dream, and work with what we had that worked. I may only be 18 but I view a better America as one of older times. One that is decades behind us, but was the pinnacle of America. With that the last think I wish to say is I apologize if anything I have said in any of my writing has offended you or your views/beliefs, but they where my own opinionated views.

By William Goodman

John F. Kennedy's Inaugural speech

During my trip to D.C. I got to see our presidents of the past and the quotes that they said going into office.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. 

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but together what we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." J.F.K.

This was the youngest president to come into office. His speech rallied the american people and gave hope to them. This here is what the people of america and people of the world should being remembering. Without knowing this people have done the opposite and think what can America do for me. They don't care if they help America they just want themselves to be taking care of and are able to be lazy.

posted by Eric Loucks

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Creating your Path to the American Dream

How to find your American Dream

                To each person there is their own path and American Dream. While some people are able to create that path and dream some others are not, and need guidance on how to find what we all search for in our own way. There are many paths we can follow to reach are end goal, to accomplish are American Dream. What about how to start walking down those paths or making decisions while we are on them? Like anything in some one’s life distraction is eminent, and is a threat to our accomplishments. With a layout or plan making decisions becomes easier in this process.
                To reach your American Dream you first need to decide what it is. After that make a plan, but make sure this plan is well thought out. With your goal in mind you will be able to look at each potential path to reaching your destination. You don’t always want to pick the shortest path, cheapest path, or freest path. You want to find a path that won’t take forever, but at the same time don’t fine a path that will be there to soon. You want a path that will go at a good pace in your life, and with that path you will be able to accomplish everything within reason. This is one of the most important steps to accomplishing your American Dream.
                With a path in mind you then need to layout in a document, on paper, or keep it stuck in your head. You will want to go in very specific detail about your life going down this path. You want to pick the right schools, jobs, and other programs that will help you fulfill your American Dream. Also make sure to find things that you can afford. Some collages are better than others, but if you can’t afford it don’t let yourself drown in debt. You may get closer to your goal, but if you can’t get a job right away or are just out of money it would have been for nothing. If done right you will have a good strong path to follow, and guide you in your quest.
With your path setting up your life’s path be careful not to make it so if everything doesn’t go perfect the entire thing blows up leaving you at square one. Don’t let yourself over think it and leave room for changes that can occur. Life is not forgiving, and won’t let you easily accomplish your goals. The opposite is also true about this don’t make it so loose and care-free that you won’t get going on your pathway, this will also lead you on a path that ends in a missed goal and misery.
With all of this you should be able to find your own path to accomplish your American Dream. This also helps you to avoid anything that will hinder your progress. Remember the phrase “Some things are too good to be true”, and plan your path smartly with good design and precision. One more key to all this planning and paths is look at it as a chess game. A long term chess game you vs. life, and your goal is to take their king your finish American Dream. Each pieces before that is part of your goal, and you should take them with a well thought out strategy.

By William Goodman

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Threats to the American Dream

The Threats to the American Dream

                There are a number of things that are seen as a threat to the ideals and views of each person’s American Dream. These threats range from groups who goals counteract the progress of dreams, people who see the American Dream as dead, or the people who make you follow the generalization of a person. Each of these a threat in their own way, but over all a threat is a threat. The best things you can do as an American is recognize these threats then work to avoid them to continue your American Dream.
                From the variant amount of threats to your own following of the American Dream there are people who make it seem generalized, and try to force you down a specific path not of your own choosing. These people don’t appear as scary as they sound they will be people like your parents, teachers, friends, employers. Now don’t ignore everything these people say, but determine your American Dream, outline it, and follow that path. You will see the guided paths as good easy choices that you will be protected, when they can lead to a life of unhappiness and betrayal of your own morals and values. If these people block your path as a wall of fire; stand firm with courage and walk through it to your American Dream.
                Another threat is all the people who declare the American Dream dead, and will argue or move against anyone who opposes them. Many people have looked at the American Dream and saw it as something that once was. They never opened there eyes to the fact it is a value that continues to evolve and shape each person to lead there life as they see right and just. These people will just seem as non-believers in are American Dream, but they turn those around them to see the way they do. This is like the game Othello the goal is to turn other pieces to your color by placing a piece near them, now imagine each piece as a person. With that image one side for the American Dream one against both will work to chance others views to support their movement. I want everyone to follow their own American Dream so this would be a game I want to win.
                The third group that brings threat to are American Dream are specific groups that divide people, and cause their goals to warp and change to help the group and not their own dream. A group of example is radical feminist, or femanazi’s as I like to call them. Their goal is to change society so women have everything and men have nothing which causes the American Dream of all those men they oppress to stop, and they can’t continue their goals out of fear. Another group that is much older, but rises time and again even if it remains small is the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). The KKK suppresses non Christians, and people of ethnic variety. When they do this like the Femanazi’s they in sow fear causes people to drastically alter or abandon their American Dream.  There are other groups that cause fear and worry of suppression that people can’t follow their own American Dream and accomplish their goals.
                This is just a brief list of threats to many people’s individual American Dream. These threats fuel a fire that works to engulf America, and every ones views, values, goals, and morals with it. Avoid these threats, and do everything to make your American Dream come true. Stand firm with your American Dream helped tight in mind, heart, and soul and you will persevere through hell or high-water.

By William Goodman

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Allegiance, a Broadway Musical that played from October 2015 to December 2016. Allegiance told the story of the Kimura family, whose lives were upended when they and 120,000 other Japanese-Americans were forced to leave their homes following the events of Pearl Harbor.  One of the songs near the beginning of the play is entitled "Wishes on the Wind" and it tells of each family member's American Dream.

Courage The True Story

Courage The True Story

    A courageous moment isn’t all that rare. People may never be a war hero or the one to save a baby from a burning building, but people show courage. It is something that people have come to push aside of our thoughts and think nothing of. Well that’s not true, we can all be courageous and strong in our own ways. I have never really been one to stand up against an act of hatred or frustration, but that is because I wasn’t given the chance.
I was always one to be cast aside, picked on, and pushed down by society and my peers. I was not able to protect myself and I was burned with the flame of words. I couldn’t stand up for myself and my friends wouldn’t help me. Yet I am one to have learned the greatness of courage. I have most likely shown it time and again in many situations. Either blind or driven, it’s a strong force that helps compel us in many ways. It protects us from the darkness that shrouds us and the sting of words. It helps us in school, work, and even in people's own homes.
I may have never shown a moment of heroic courage, but I can see it in everyday life. I could sit silently on a city block and watch some people show courage, from stop a pickpocket, to helping the people cast aside by society. They show true courage. It’s not news breaking, but its courage hard and true. They ignore the people who look upon us so cruelly, and help those who can’t help themselves. How it’s always with us to help us strive for are goals.
Courage also may be seen with hope, truth, and valor. It links with many things in the scout law and oath. Most of us read these to think this is what we are. We need to do what we say and prove what we are. For it even takes courage to be a scout. We as scouts will do what those who look down on us or what those are too lazy to do and help those in need. These just consist of helping people in things we do, like food drives, helping with dinners, or to help at the church. Courage has to be one of scouts’ strongest traits that we bare. For we are the helpers of society.
Scouts do not only follow in the acts of courage but live by it as well. As a scout progresses through their life and ranks the scout oath and law will harden within the scout. Courage is no exception and expresses itself better and better as the scout moves on. Most things starting scouts won’t do when they begin scouting they are willing to do at the end. That is the evolution of courage, and how just from a few years of activities and being around friends you adapt to express courage in many things.
To see courage proving its valor and overcoming power just look at history. Good or bad intentions, leaders need to show courage. The Roman Empire, the Mongrel Empire, and even Napoleon’s army; they had only two major things in common, and that courage and the desire for power. Without courage no one would even be able to throw out a corrupt ruler or a crooked law enforcer. Courage brings binding for it cannot separate us, and we shall not be separated from its embrace.
Another thing true courage will aid you in accomplishing is your American Dream. All of these examples of courage are what will help lead you to your American Dream. With true courage you are able to see your own path and break away from the ones others told you to walk. This will be a test of courage in every Americans life to see will they flow with the river or move from its flowing current. This is what should be laid out before you a guide not a path.
Now through all of this I have talked about who shows courage, how, and what, but I haven't expressed the definition of courage. The definition of courage is overcoming one's fears to accomplish the task. For a simple quote I remember “Without fear there cannot be courage.” written by Christopher Pauline. That simple line expresses the reason we always show courage not to show our strength and power, but to overcome the fear. Relating to earlier examples let's look at the man who helps someone cast out by society. This isn't to get attention or to get anything it's for fear of another human's life. Another example is the Cub Scout that in the beginning may be afraid to give a speech to a group of people, but now will give and write speeches for people time and again. This is the expression of true courage and why over all other traits and all the scout laws it shows most for it is the hardest to obtain, yet the most powerful to use.

By William Goodman