Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Career Assesment

     As a class, we took an assessment to help depict what career path might fit us. I was surprised to see that I was more mechanically inclined. Although, I do enjoy working with my hands, it was interesting to see that I should be in the mechanics industry, working with heavy equipment. Not quite the lady like type of job, but I honestly could see myself getting my hands dirty everyday.

                                               (Posted by: Samantha Kuntz)


  1. I as well got a mechanical approach with my career test. This was no surprise to me since I already started down a path of engineering. While my focus is more to the technical side and less of working with the machines directly. This was part of my life long goal and fuels my own American Dream.

    By William Goodman

  2. I got Health services with my career test. I was planning on beginning with going into the medical services as a Nurse and then be a Nurse Anesthetist. This path is stable and has expected growth in the future. This path is also walked by my father and older sister. i enjoy helping out people and want to help people.

    By Eric Loucks

  3. Upon taking the career test, although I got career choices of things that I enjoy doing (acting, comedian, etc.), I couldn't see myself doing any of the careers on my list any time in the foreseeable future. The only thing that I saw on the list that I could see myself doing was a Critic. I come from a long line of writers, and writing is one of the things that I enjoy. --Claudia Maxwell

  4. After completing the Career test I found what I had expected. A career field of engineering, Drafting and Design. Looking through this list nothing moved to far from this path and that was out of 40 different listed careers. I enjoy doing Drafting and Design, which could of lead to bias answering for the result, but I believe with my own honest answers everything is telling me to follow that path. To also use that path to reach my American Dream, and help restore what is thought to be dead.

    By William Goodman
