Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The american dream of an immigrant, the interview

    I interviewed my Grandmother on her point of view on the American Dream. I asked for her definition of it, what hers was, and if she achieved her American Dream. She was born in Germany, migrated to Casablanca, Africa, and then moved to the states when she was seven years old. I thought that she would be the perfect person to ask this question since she was an immigrant.
    Her perception of the American Dream, was to come to a free country and live the way that makes you happy. I then asked her what her dream was. She wanted to live on a big farm, she wanted to live on free land, with all the beautiful flowers she can dream of. She had such a genuine smile of her face, I asked her if she achieved that dream. She said she did. She didn’t think it was possible, coming from such a poor family and also marrying into one that she never thought she could have such a beautiful dream.
Looking around she said, but I have my dream. I live on all this beautiful farm land with all the trees I could ask for. I have beautiful flowers, a beautiful garden, and a beautiful family to look at everyday. She has achieved her American Dream.
Looking at my grandmother's story, through immigration and hardships. The American Dream is possible through anyone that tries. Anyone can achieve greatness, you just have to want it.

                               (Posted by: Samantha Kuntz)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful dream, Samantha, and your grandmother strikes me as a person who lives with gratitude for what she's been given. It seems to me that, first of all, to achieve the American Dream, one has to be willing to dream. Then, it is equally important to recognize when that dream, in any part, as been fulfilled. With the recognition comes a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
