Saturday, May 21, 2016

Creating your Path to the American Dream

How to find your American Dream

                To each person there is their own path and American Dream. While some people are able to create that path and dream some others are not, and need guidance on how to find what we all search for in our own way. There are many paths we can follow to reach are end goal, to accomplish are American Dream. What about how to start walking down those paths or making decisions while we are on them? Like anything in some one’s life distraction is eminent, and is a threat to our accomplishments. With a layout or plan making decisions becomes easier in this process.
                To reach your American Dream you first need to decide what it is. After that make a plan, but make sure this plan is well thought out. With your goal in mind you will be able to look at each potential path to reaching your destination. You don’t always want to pick the shortest path, cheapest path, or freest path. You want to find a path that won’t take forever, but at the same time don’t fine a path that will be there to soon. You want a path that will go at a good pace in your life, and with that path you will be able to accomplish everything within reason. This is one of the most important steps to accomplishing your American Dream.
                With a path in mind you then need to layout in a document, on paper, or keep it stuck in your head. You will want to go in very specific detail about your life going down this path. You want to pick the right schools, jobs, and other programs that will help you fulfill your American Dream. Also make sure to find things that you can afford. Some collages are better than others, but if you can’t afford it don’t let yourself drown in debt. You may get closer to your goal, but if you can’t get a job right away or are just out of money it would have been for nothing. If done right you will have a good strong path to follow, and guide you in your quest.
With your path setting up your life’s path be careful not to make it so if everything doesn’t go perfect the entire thing blows up leaving you at square one. Don’t let yourself over think it and leave room for changes that can occur. Life is not forgiving, and won’t let you easily accomplish your goals. The opposite is also true about this don’t make it so loose and care-free that you won’t get going on your pathway, this will also lead you on a path that ends in a missed goal and misery.
With all of this you should be able to find your own path to accomplish your American Dream. This also helps you to avoid anything that will hinder your progress. Remember the phrase “Some things are too good to be true”, and plan your path smartly with good design and precision. One more key to all this planning and paths is look at it as a chess game. A long term chess game you vs. life, and your goal is to take their king your finish American Dream. Each pieces before that is part of your goal, and you should take them with a well thought out strategy.

By William Goodman

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